Exploring Trance Mediumship: Science Meets Spirituality

Exploring Trance Mediumship: Science Meets Spirituality

Exploring Trance Mediumship: Science Meets Spirituality

  • Helen DaVita

  • 20 Jul 2024

  • 10 minute read


Trance mediumship is a profound practice where individuals, known as mediums, strive to communicate with spirits of the deceased. By entering altered states of consciousness, mediums allow spirits to influence the mind to varying degrees. This practice has significant implications for spiritual communication, often providing comfort and insights to those seeking connection with the spirit world.

Interest in studying the relationship between trance states and brain function from a scientific perspective is growing. Researchers are keen to understand how these altered states impact brain activity and what this reveals about human consciousness.

This article considers key scientific findings on brain activity during trance mediumship experiences and include:

  1. The nature of trance mediumship and its various levels

  2. How science can bridge the gap between spirituality and empirical evidence

  3. The methodologies used to investigate brain activity during trance states

  4. Notable neuroscientific discoveries related to trance mediumship

1. Understanding Trance Mediumship

Trance mediumship is a practice where mediums enter altered states of consciousness to facilitate communication with spirits. This state allows spirits to take varying degrees of control over the medium's mind or (even parts of the body such as the hands with trance art and writing), often leading to spirit expressions such as philosophy, art, healing and writing.

Levels of Trance States

Mediums can experience different levels of trance states, ranging from lighter states of altered consciousness to deep trance:

  • Light Trance: In this state, mediums remain partially aware of their surroundings and maintain some level of control over their actions. They may receive impressions or hear messages from spirits without losing full awareness.

  • Deep Trance: Here, the medium's awareness is significantly reduced, and they may be completely unaware. The spirit takes full control, allowing for more direct communication.

Perception and Interpretation in Trance

While in a trance, mediums perceive spiritual information differently compared to their normal waking awareness. During these sessions:

  • Sensory Changes: Mediums might experience alterations in their sensory perceptions, such as seeing visions, hearing voices, or feeling physical sensations that convey messages from the spirit world.

  • Cognitive Shifts: Information received in a trance often bypasses the usual cognitive processes, allowing mediums to deliver messages with a clarity that might not be possible in their ordinary state.

Exploring these states reveals how mediums bridge the gap between our physical world and the spiritual realm.

For those interested in deepening their understanding or developing their own abilities as trance mediums, Helen DaVita's blog offers profound insights on spirituality, trance, shamanism, and psychic studies. Her blog also delves into intriguing topics such as Fields Of Spirit Intelligence, unlocking the secrets of spirit intelligence and the hidden realms of magical intelligence beyond conscious minds.

2. Understanding the Relationship Between Science and Spirituality

The historical tension between spirituality and science has often painted these areas as mutually exclusive. Studying trance mediumship offers a unique opportunity to bridge this gap by integrating subjective spiritual experiences with objective scientific measurements.

Neurotheology—a multidisciplinary field—emerges as a powerful framework for understanding the neural underpinnings of spiritual practices, such as mediumship. This field combines neuroscience, psychology, and theology to explore how brain activity correlates with profound spiritual experiences. By examining the brains of mediums during trance states, researchers seek to uncover patterns that explain these altered states of consciousness.

The Conflict: Spirituality vs. Science

  • Spirituality has long been viewed through an experiential lens, emphasising personal encounters and subjective truths.

  • Science, on the other hand, relies on empirical evidence and objective data, often dismissing phenomena that cannot be readily measured or replicated.

Finding Common Ground

  • Trance Mediumship Research: By using neuroimaging techniques like fMRI and EEG, scientists can observe changes in brain activity during trance states. These observations help validate the mediums' experiences from a scientific standpoint.

  • Subjective Meets Objective: The integration of personal spiritual accounts with measurable brain data offers a more holistic understanding of human consciousness.

Exploring this relationship not only enriches our understanding of trance mediumship but also encourages a healthy dialogue between spirituality and science.

3. Investigating Brain Activity During Trance States: Methodological Approaches

Understanding brain activity during trance mediumship relies heavily on advanced neuroimaging techniques. Two primary methods stand out:

1. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)


  • Captures detailed images of brain regions by detecting changes in blood flow.

  • Offers high spatial resolution, allowing researchers to pinpoint specific areas of activation.


  • Temporal resolution is limited, making it less suitable for capturing rapid changes in brain activity.

  • The confined and noisy environment of the MRI machine can be challenging for maintaining a trance state.

2. Electroencephalography (EEG)


  • Measures electrical activity in the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp.

  • Provides excellent temporal resolution, capturing real-time changes in brainwave patterns.


  • Limited spatial resolution compared to fMRI, making it harder to localise specific brain regions involved.

  • Susceptible to artifacts from muscle movements and other external factors.

By using these methods, researchers may gain insights into the complex dynamics of altered states of consciousness experienced during trance mediumship. Each technique contributes uniquely to our understanding, highlighting different aspects of how the brain functions during these profound spiritual experiences.

4. Key Findings from Neuroscientific Studies on Trance Mediumship

Neuroscientific research has revealed fascinating information about how the brain works during trance mediumship. Here are some key discoveries:

Frontal Brain Regions and Self-Awareness

The frontal areas of the brain are important for our sense of self and ability to control our thoughts and actions. Studies have shown that during trance states, there is a decrease in activity within these frontal regions. This reduction in activity is associated with the medium's decreased self-awareness and increased focus on spiritual communication.

Temporal Areas and Contact with Spiritual Entities

The temporal lobes of the brain are involved in our perception of time and our experiences of sensory stimuli. Research suggests that these areas also play a role in mediating the feeling of being in contact with spiritual beings. This provides a scientific explanation for the intense encounters reported by mediums, such as hearing voices or seeing visions.

Differences Between Experienced Mediums and Beginners

When comparing experienced trance mediums to those who are new to the practice, researchers have found some interesting differences in how their brains function:

  1. Information Processing: Experienced mediums show unique patterns of neural activity when processing information related to mediumship. This suggests that they have developed specific cognitive pathways through their training and practice.

  2. Sensory Integration: Studies indicate that experienced mediums have more efficient sensory integration compared to beginners. This means that they are adept at combining information from different senses, which could contribute to their ability to perceive spiritual phenomena.

The Role of Psychography in Understanding Trance Mediumship

Psychography, also known as spirit writing, offers valuable insights into the cognitive and neural processes involved in trance mediumship. During psychographic sessions, mediums exhibit decreased activity in the frontal lobes of their brains. This suggests a decrease in executive functioning and self-monitoring abilities.

This altered state of consciousness may facilitate the automatic writing process, which is believed to be guided by spirits, rather than conscious thought.

The Dualistic Brain: Balancing Transcendence and Immanence

Experiencing trance mediumship can have a profound impact on our ability to think creatively. Studies have shown that when we enter deep trance states, our brain is able to explore new pathways and make connections that we wouldn't normally access. This leads to an increase in creativity and overall brain function.

"When the usual barriers of self-awareness and cognitive control are lowered, as in deep trance mediumship, the brain may access novel pathways and connections."

How Trance States Enhance Creativity

1. Breaking Down Self-Imposed Boundaries

During trance states, our sense of self becomes less rigid. We are able to let go of our preconceived notions and beliefs, allowing for new ideas to flow freely. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who are struggling with self-identity issues, as it provides them with an opportunity to explore different perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of themselves.

2. Neuroplasticity and Altered Brain Activity

Neuroimaging studies have revealed that when we are in a trance state, there are significant changes in the way our brain functions. Specifically, there is increased activity in regions associated with creativity, such as the prefrontal cortex and the default mode network. This suggests that trance states can actually enhance our brain's ability to think creatively.

The Therapeutic Potential of Trance Mediumship

In addition to its impact on creativity, trance mediumship also has therapeutic benefits. For individuals facing self-identity issues, or emotional challenges, entering a trance state can provide them with a temporary reprieve from their struggles. By transcending their usual thought patterns and beliefs, they are able to gain new insights and develop coping mechanisms that can improve their overall well-being.

"By temporarily transcending the rigid constructs of the self, individuals might gain new perspectives, facilitating cognitive health and emotional resilience."

The Importance of Ethics in Trance Mediumship

While trance mediumship can be a powerful tool for personal growth and exploration, it's important to approach it with caution. These practices should always be conducted ethically, with the well-being of both the medium and the participant in mind. Ethical guidelines must be established to ensure that trance experiences are used responsibly and that no harm is done to either party involved.

Incorporating both scientific evidence and personal anecdotes enriches our understanding of how altered states like trance can balance the possibilities of transcendence and remaining within the self, offering profound insights into human cognition and creativity.

5. Exploring the Energetic Dimensions of Mediumistic Communication

When we further consider trance mediumship, we discover aspects that go beyond what can be explained by our brains alone. One interesting idea is the concept of a 'biofield'—a subtle energy field that surrounds us and may have an impact on our spiritual journey. According to this perspective, mediums are able to access this energetic realm, allowing them to communicate with spirits in a way that goes beyond just brain activity. The biofield is also known as the auric field.

Key Aspects of Energetic Theories

Here are some important ideas related to these energetic theories:

  1. Biofield Hypothesis: This theory suggests that living beings emit a complex energy field, which has the potential to interact with other fields, including those associated with otherworldly spiritual beings.

  2. Subtle Energy Interaction: During trance states, mediums might experience a merging of energies, through which they can perceive spiritual information via an exchange of energy - which has independent consciousness and intelligence within its sphere.

Developing Your Abilities as a Trance Medium

If you find these theories fascinating and are eager to explore your own potential as a trance medium, you can start by exploring life through a personal spiritual journey. By engaging in practices that increase your awareness and sensitivity towards these subtle energies, you could undergo a profound transformation.

Curious about enhancing your skills? Take a look at the 'Trance Enchantments' audio classes available on developingspirit.com. These resources offer guided exercises specifically designed to help you deepen your understanding and strengthen your connection with the energetic dimensions of mediumship.


Studying the effects of mediumship on the brain requires a comprehensive approach that combines scientific research, personal experiences, and spiritual wisdom. Trance mediumship offers a fascinating way to explore the connections between these different aspects.

In Summary:

1. Scientific Perspectives

Research on brain activity during trance states has uncovered interesting findings about how specific parts of the brain influence self-awareness and cognitive control. Techniques like fMRI and EEG allow scientists to observe the changes in consciousness that occur during mediumship.

2. Experiential Insights

Mediums' accounts provide valuable information about what it feels like to be in a trance state. These personal accounts help bridge the gap between objective data and subjective experiences, contributing to our understanding of mediumship.

3. Spiritual Dimensions

Acknowledging and embracing the spiritual elements of trance mediumship can lead to a greater appreciation for this practice. Taking a holistic view encourages us to integrate scientific investigation with spiritual exploration, fostering a balanced perspective.

By broadening our understanding of how trance states work in the brain, we can challenge the negative stereotypes surrounding mediumship. Seeing it as a legitimate human experience opens up new possibilities for scientific study and personal development. This mindset allows us to engage with our own conscious states and uncover hidden potentials through practices that deeply resonate with us.